All transportation brokers in the United States must obtain an ICC Broker Surety Bond. This bond guarantees payment to shippers and motor carriers in the event your company fails to carry out its contracts and is required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.  This bond is also called BMC 84, Freight Broker Surety Bond, and Property Broker Surety Bond.

We offer direct filing with FMCSA to help eliminate the unnecessary hassles this involves,  allowing you to focus on your business with peace of mind.

Please be advised we will need the company’s MC Number in order to provide a quote. This should be given by the FMCSA within a week of registering.

All Applications should be expected to take a minimum of 48 hours to quote due to this bond’s strict requirements.

A surety bond protects the party requesting the bond, the Obligee, against any financial losses as a result of poor financial decisions, damages, unethical decisions, or a failure to follow state and local laws on the part of you, the Principal. The Freight Broker (ICC / BMC-84) Bond holds you accountable for your business decisions.

By possessing a Freight Broker (ICC / BMC-84) Bond, you are telling your Obligee that you can be trusted as a Principal and that you stand behind your business decisions.