The California Director of Food and Agriculture may require that those engaged in the shipping of Fruits and Vegetables (raw or processed) into or out of the State of California be held subject to the chemical analysis or other inspection methods for the quality and grade of the fruits and vegetables in question.  This California Fruit and Vegetable Certification Fee Bond, required under the California Agricultural Cod, Division 16, Chapter 1, is required to ensure that the fees due to the Department of Agriculture for inspection purposes of your fruits and vegetables are paid as necessary.

Bonds Express
 offers a California Fruit and Vegetable Certification Fee Bond with a 99% approval rate.

A surety bond protects the party requesting the bond, the Obligee, against any financial losses as a result of poor financial decisions, damages, unethical decisions, or a failure to follow state and local laws on the part of you, the Principal.  The California Fruit and Vegetable Certification Fee Bond holds you accountable for your business decisions. 

By possessing a California Fruit and Vegetable Certification Fee Bond, you are telling your Obligee that you can be trusted as a Principal and that you stand behind your business decisions.